Saturday, December 15, 2007

The spread of news and networking

It's amazing how news travels. Within a few days of Johnny Chung Lee commencing his blog, I have already received news of his wiimote interactive whiteboard via Christina Jenkins' gmail, and from a post on Will Richardson's blog.

Will Richardson talked about the power of networking and sharing, as opposed to marveling at the tools themselves, and this is something that is becoming increasingly evident at C.I.S. 339.
Grade 6 teachers at C.I.S. 339 have been videoing their own teaching to share and discuss with their colleagues. This represents trust and a willingness to improve one's practice.
I can't wait for the day some time soon when a spate of gmails explode around the school in fevered excitement about the wonderful lesson that was witnessed in another teacher's classroom (much like the zeal surrounding the sharing of Johnny Lee's wiimote wonders).

1 comment:

RichWhite said...

I am ready to get Edusim ( on this cool wiimote hack !

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